10 Lifesaving Pregnancy Products

Pregnant shopping. young woman choosing cosmetics or beauty products in pharmacy supermarket store

Pregnancy is an extremely exciting time, especially for first-time mommas!  There are so many new areas to explore with the anticipation of bringing a new life into the world.  Yet, even this time of celebration comes with a few “bumps” in the road (see what I did there?)

Being in the middle of my second trimester, I am absolutely BLESSED to say that my first pregnancy has been going pretty well.

Even though I have not experienced some of the more dreadful first trimester symptoms, there are some little problems I have run into. I have compiled a list of some products that I have come across that have made my pregnancy experience WAY more enjoyable. 

*This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. 

Problem: Dry Skin

woman scratching her arm and elbow because of dry skin at home

When you’re pregnant, hormonal changes can cause your skin to lose elasticity and dry out, which can be exacerbated if you live in a colder climate or are pregnant during winter months.

Delon Intense Moisturizing Body Butter has been a GODSEND for my dry skin.  It is extremely nourishing and keeps my skin feeling moisturized for well over 24 hours. I get it in the coconut scent from Amazon, which I find to be light and pleasant.  It is a more intense moisturizer, so sometimes I will shy away from it if I’m not feeling SUPER dry, or if it is very hot and humid out.

When it comes to hands, the winner in my book is the ever-popular O’Keefe’s Working Hands.  Working with little ones, I wash my hands CONSTANTLY, which leads to them looking and feeling like they belong to an alligator.  If you have not tried this stuff, do yourself a favor and pick some up A.S.A.P.

Problem: Sleep Discomfort

Sad depressed woman suffering from insomnia, she is sitting in bed and touching her forehead, sleep disorder and stress concept

Ah, sweet sleep.  If I had a dollar for everyone who said to me, “get it in now, while you still can!” I definitely would have been able to pay off my student loans by now. 

Obviously, sleep is very important to pregnancy, both for you and your growing baby, but a growing belly or issues such as restless leg syndrome can definitely put a damper on your zzz’s.

Enter my new best friends—pregnancy pillows!

I bought one of these, basically as soon as I found out I was pregnant.  While my intense affection for these stuffed pieces of heaven is evident, my husband does not have the same fondness for them.  They do take up a bit of space in our queen-sized bed; however, they are WELL worth it.  Don’t believe that I am so in love with these things? Well, I have not one, but two of them! Hey, you NEED good sleep!

After scouring Amazon for reviews, I first decided on this c-shaped pillow.  I found myself drifting off to sleep effortlessly with my new accessory. 

However, as my belly began to grow, I starting flipping to my back more during the night, which is not the optimal sleeping position for a pregnant momma. (Doctors often recommend the left side after the first trimester, to increase blood flow to the fetus.) I resorted to sticking a bulky pillow behind my right side, which often wound up on the floor in the middle of the night.

So, back to Amazon, I went.  In order to try and prevent sleeping on my back, I decided to go with a u-shaped pillow this time around.  Viola! My back sleeping days are over.

While having 2 large body pillows may seem excessive, I can honestly say that I love switching back and forth between them.  Sometimes I’ll go through a few nights where I don’t get such good sleep, so the next night I’ll switch to the other pillow and vice versa.  This helps by allowing your body some slightly different positions at night, as the pillows can take the form of your shape over time.

Don’t want to go crazy and buy two pillows like I did? I get it. It really comes down to preference. 

I find both to be extremely helpful and versatile.  If you have a problem with rolling on to your back, I would definitely recommend the u-shaped pillow, but if you have more space and don’t mind adding extra pillows of your own, the c-shaped one is great too!

Don’t want a whole-body pillow? While I haven’t personally tried it, my husband has a pillow love of his own.  As an avid weight lifter, he often has trouble with lower back pain and has found tremendous relief with this knee pillow.  It’s perfect for side sleepers and way more un-intrusive than its full-bodied cousins.

Problem: Nausea

Pregnant woman with strong pain of stomach and nausea sitting in bathroom

Nothing says stereotypical pregnancy symptoms like good-ol’ nausea.  While I did definitely get nauseous at times, I was very fortunate to never be driven to the point of vomiting while pregnant. 

These Sweetie Pie Organics Nausea Relief Drops gave me something pleasant to suck on and keep my mind off of those recurring waves. They contain vitamin B6, which is said to help combat nausea.  I purchased the variety pack of both lemon and ginger flavors.  While I found both flavors to be good, I definitely favored the lemon ones over the ginger, especially for those early morning episodes.

Problem: Tight Jeans

fat woman with big belly trying to wear tight jeans ,overweight concept background

This is a product that I waited a little longer to get.  At the start of my pregnancy, my favorite jeans were high waisted and very stretchy, so I was able to get a lot of wear out of them into my second trimester. 

Because of this, I never purchased the in-between jean extenders that many people often buy.  However, after a walkthrough of Target’s Maternity section, I was hooked on these over-the-belly maternity jeans by Ingrid and Isabel! In the days following my purchase, I could be found running around flaunting my newfound belly panel to my friends and family as I SWORE I was going to wear these pants even when I’m not pregnant…(I still might!). 

I tried on the maternity pants with the side panels (that fit under the bump) and was personally not a fan.  Even with a long shirt, I felt like my large booty would make an accidental debut, which is not something I was willing to risk.

As a curvy girl who is EXTREMELY picky when it comes to jeans, the Ingrid and Isabel over-the-bump maternity jeans are definitely my pick. They hug my curves in all the right ways, while still giving plenty of stretch and comfort.

Problem: Uncomfortable Underwear

blue lingerie, cotton womens underwear on white background, top view.

Underwear is probably not the first thing on your “things to buy when pregnant” shopping list, but you’ll be happy you did! I found these under the bump maternity underwear on Amazon and love them!

While they may not be the sexiest item in your lingerie drawer, they are practical and comfortable for everyday use.  I like how they are designed to go under the bump, but are full coverage in the back (again, big booty problems).  They also do a pretty good job at staying in place, are mostly cotton and breathable, and have a light-colored lining to detect any spotting that may occur.  

Problem: Acne

Portrait of beautiful young woman removing pimple from her face in a bathroom home.

One of the biggest problems I experienced at the beginning of my pregnancy was my skin breaking out like CRAZY! To make it even worse, it is not usually recommended that you use the typical spot treatments that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, as these have not been tested long-term during pregnancy.

I stumbled upon the Belli Acne Spot Treatment on the What to Expect App and decided to give it a try. 

In my honest opinion, it wasn’t AS good as the usual spot treatments I use, but it is labeled as pregnancy safe and natural and definitely did help.  It uses ingredients such as colloidal sulfur, tea tree oil, and chamomile to remove dead skin cells, clear pores and reduce redness and swelling. 

Problem: Stretch Marks

Pregnant woman applying moisturizer on belly, preventing pregnancy stretch marks

We know that most of us pregnant mommas wind up getting stretch marks at some point as a result of pregnancy, although there are a few unicorns out there! I mean stretch marks from pregnancy are pretty cool when you think about it—they’re like a badge of honor for growing a human inside of you!

While you cannot prevent stretch marks, there are things you may be able to do to minimize them, one of which being moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! 

I came across the Earth Mama Belly Butter and Belly Oil in my early first-trimester shopping and have been LOVING them. They are all-natural, super moisturizing, and have a light citrus scent to them.  While they both absorb well, I prefer to use the Belly Butter in the morning and the oil at night right before bed because I find the lotion absorbs a bit better than the oil.

When my bump really started to pop, my stretching skin grew very itchy—especially around my belly button (which was extremely annoying)! I picked up the popular Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Lotion for Stretch Marks.  I use this lotion whenever I feel the need throughout the day. It’s budget-friendly and super moisturizing! (It’s also a great option if you don’t want to splurge on a more expensive lotion.)   

Problem: Not Consuming Enough Water

Pregnant woman drinking water. Aerial close up view.

Water consumption is EXTREMELY important during pregnancy.  Along with helping to provide an adequate level of amniotic fluid, water also helps things like:

  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Swelling
  • Energy levels
  • Decreasing the risk of Urinary Tract Infections

Personally, I love water—just plain, boring, ice-cold WATER. It’s really the only thing I usually drink (besides wine–when I’m not pregnant, of course).

I’ve always carried around a large (and frankly, obnoxious) water bottle with me, which has only gotten MORE obnoxious now that I’m pregnant.  It is recommended that pregnant women drink 8-12 eight-ounce glasses of water a day.  The way I prefer to do this is by filling up my large 64-ounce, insulated Thermos Water Bottle and making sure I finish it by the time I go to bed.

If this water bottle isn’t your style, I totally understand.  You obviously do NOT have to get one this large! A smaller one would do just fine, just make sure you fill it up enough times to fulfill your recommended water intake.

However, if you like the idea of filling up once and not having to worry about counting (or don’t care about the “big water bottle” comments you will undoubtedly receive from people) then I highly recommend my recent purchase! It seriously keeps my water ice cold all day, even in the heat.  Being that it’s insulated, it is very heavy to drink out of directly, but you can always keep it with you and pour it into a glass if you prefer.

I hope you found this list of products helpful!  Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Until next time,


Products that help pregnancy

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